Family Resources
Welcome Families!
We hope you will find this list of databases and information helpful. Navigating safe and reliable sources can be challenging. These sources are vetted and deemed safe for academic intent. Your student can access this content by selecting the "Online Resources" link under the "Library" menu. If you have any questions regarding how to access or use any of the databases on this site, please feel free to contact the library staff. We look forward to working with your student while they attend Tumwater Middle School.
Tumwater Middle School
TMS Online Databases
The Gale platform encompasses a variety of research databases and aligns with ESD113 and regional districts.
Timberland Regional Library. Access to all of the databases listed on their site. Free for TSD students.
Teen Health & Wellness is the online text that corresponds to all TMS health classes.
Destiny is the TMS online library catalog. Students can search for books within our library, place holds, and submit reviews.
TMS Library
Hours: M/Tu, 8:00-3:00
W/Th, 8:00-1:45
Every other Friday, 8:00-1:15pm
Laurie Harris
Keri O'Hara
Library Paraeducator