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Andreassen, Cherie

Cherie Andreassen

   Name:  Mrs. Cherie Andreassen
   Position: English Language Learning (ELL) Teacher, grades 6/7/8

   Google Classroom:Click here to go to our TMS ELL Google Classroom

Classroom Communication Strategies: 
TMS Weekly Planner, Emails, Google Classroom, Skyward, newsletters, phone calls, conferencing (phone, zoom, or in person) - We have interpreters and translation services!
Class Syllabi

TMS ELL Syllabus - in English

TMS ELL Syllabus - en español

TMS ELL Syllabus - на русском

TMS ELL Syllabus - bằng tiếng việt

TMS ELL Syllabus - i le gagana Samoa

Education / Teaching Background: 

  • Bachelors - Spanish (WWU)
  • Certificate - Teaching English as a Second Language (WWU)
  • Master of Arts in Teaching - English to Speakers of Other Languages (UW)
  • Washington State P-12 endorsement in English Language Learning
  • Certificate - Parenting Education (SPSCC)

Over the past 19 years, I have taught language in many settings (preschool, K-12, community college, and university) both in the U.S. and overseas.  I love learning about people, places, and cultural identity.  My husband and I lived in Armenia for two years, where I taught English and was a teacher trainer for the Peace Corps.  I have also worked for nonprofit organizations in Latin America, spending extended periods in Ecuador, Honduras, and Nicaragua.  I love traveling, and I've been to Spain, England, Eastern Europe, and Kenya, in addition to most of the U.S. states.  I took a few years off of teaching to stay home with my four children.  This is my fifth year with Tumwater School District.

Washington State English Language Proficiency Standards

State ELP standards

Achievement Level Descriptors Grades 6-8

My Family in Glacier

         My family at Glacier National Park (Montana)


Castle in Budapest

             At Buda Castle in Budapest, Hungary


Quito, Ecuador

     View from the Basilica del Voto Nacional in Quito, Ecuador


Alhambra in Granada

          At the Alhambra in Granada, Spain