Fees At TMS
When sending checks to Tumwater Middle School to pay for your student’s lunch, please make the check payable to Tumwater Middle School, please place your child’s lunch number on the check, and have them take it to the Cafeteria before school starts. Any other fees that your student may have, ASB Card, Planner, Sweatshirt, Art Fee, Technology Fee, etc., may be made out on one check and brought to the main office before school, or during their lunch time.
Please feel free to call the school at 709-7500 if you have any questions.
Please feel free to call the school at 709-7500 if you have any questions.
Student Access Portal
The Tumwater School District is currently offering student access into the Skyward system. This allows for a student to view their daily attendance, gradebook, and other student information. Please click on the following link: Tumwater Student Access Portal